In 50 years alive as a woman, I’ve learnt that modern society and culture doesn’t teach women the source of our true power.
Our wild ~ the part of us that is like and of nature
Our wisdom ~ the inner knowing that exists in each of us
Our womanly bodies ~ the unique experiences of womanhood that act as gateways in to our power and healing.
On the contrary, it redirects women away from this power.
My mission is to reconnect women back to this source of our vitality, health, radiance and fullest expression of self.
I’d love for you to join me.
This is the question on every woman’s mind and the focus of a trillion dollar wellness industry.
Women are obsessed with being well, becoming well and staying well. And there is a lot of money equally thrown at it.
Over the past decade my whole outlook and understanding of wellness has taken a 360 degree turn. After healing from a chronic illness, I’ve learnt that being well is not an appointment you go to or a diet you go on. Nor is it a pill or supplement you pop.
Rather it’s getting to know you. Every tiny bit of you.
Would you like some extra support on your journey? Perhaps a mentor to help guide you home?
Join me on Substack where I write weekly pieces on womanhood and life. My blog is called The Enchantress Journals, a conversation about women for women. Click below for a complimentary subscription.