The land in Byron Bay is rich and fertile. The air is moist. The waters flow with ease. The trees are deep and rooted with lush foliage. The sun is hot and vital. The moon glows in an endless black sky. Stepping on to Her land, you feel the beat and rhythm of a woman’s heart.
She is the perfect place to explore your womanhood.
She is the perfect antidote to modern-day life.
She will bring you home…to you.
I invite you to join me on a 6-day journey nestled in Her embrace. This intimate retreat of only nine women is for you if one or all of these statements resonate:
• you know there is something more for you, for life, for the world, but you don’t know what it is
• you feel disconnected from your womanly body or have a tempestuous relationship with your body
• there is an undercurrent of anxiety, stress, exhaustion and nervous system dysregulation in your being
• you’re drawn to explore the mysteries of the sacred feminine but don’t know where to start or don’t fully understand its importance
• you need a break from our fast-paced 21st century life and wish to be held, nourished and nurtured in a safe and loving environment
Each statement is a gateway into the solution. And the retreat will hand you the key.
• 5 nights luxury accomodation at Soma nestled in the hills of Byron Bay, including spacious designer rooms with king-sized beds and premium linens, A/C, private ensuite bathrooms and views of the surrounding gardens
• 22 acres of rainforest and bamboo with thousands of botanical species and wildlife, including zen garden, lotus flower dam, majestic 200-year-old fig tree, massive fire-pit and freshwater infinity pool, as well as a large, contemporary shared indoor-living area
• 6 days of organic, wholesome locally sourced and prepared meals, cooked in-house by our resident chef. Unlimited teas, filtered water, fruit and nibbles available in shared living room throughout the day.
• Daily embodiment and movement classes held in the geodesic yoga dome set deep in the rainforest
• Curated day-program of facilitated rituals, practices, talks and discussion sessions, including guest women presenters covering sensual embodied dance, face yoga, indigenous sacred ceremony and wisdom
• Sunset ceremonial circles by the fire-pit
• Evening-program incorporating song, dance, movement and play and a special Full Moon event
• Ample space for rest, reflection and ‘me-time’
• A tailored gift-pack on arrival
• A 30-minute pre-retreat personal discovery call with Sharon to assist you in getting the most out of your retreat
Morning Sunrise Ritual and Light Movement Activity
Goddess Infusion ‘Class’
Morning Tea
Embodiment or Movement Class
Guest Presenter or Nature Excursion
Sunset Fire Ceremony
Evening Program
Relaxation & Sleep
• Replenish your cup
• Learn to self-regulate your nervous system
• Unleash your self-healing potential and reconnect to your inner well of wisdom
• Awake and enliven your womanly body
• Rediscover your innate radiance
• Embrace and honour your womanhood
• Reclaim your feminine spirit
• Bond with like-minded women
Welcome and thank you for enquiring into the Goddess Infusion Retreat; an invitation to you to explore yourself as a woman – your desires, fears, challenges, cycles, body, mind, essence, spirit, power – while immersed in the magical and mystical surrounds of the Byron Bay Hinterland.
This women’s retreat is rooted in my own encounters of living in this healing environment over a six year period. The retreat is truly a work of heart and art. Everything and everyone involved in it I’ve personally experienced. Over the six-day period I bring together people, places and practices that have contributed immensely to my own embracing and honouring of womanhood and the sacred feminine.
When I developed a chronic illness in 2007, the last place I thought it would take me was to exploring my passage as a woman, nor to Byron Bay for that matter. But in looking back now with hindsight, I can see that I was right on path. Illness for me was a trigger. For you it may be a crisis of another sort, perhaps a divorce or break-up, death of a loved one, employment or financial challenges, the pandemic, or just simply a feeling of knowing something is not right.
In 50 years on this earth as a woman, there is a simple truth I’ve uncovered – modern society and culture doesn’t teach women the source of our power and wellbeing. On the contrary, it directs us away from both. We are constantly trying to compete on a platform not created for us or by us. And as a result many women tend to find life a bit of an uphill battle, or at the very least a confusing rollercoaster ride.
My illness was a gateway in to remembering and reclaiming that power. Once healed, my desire and commitment has been to act as a kind of women’s weaver, sharing my journey through my own life and work and reconnecting other women back to this power and the source of our vitality, health, radiance and fullest expression of self.
While healing and living in the sanctuary of Byron Bay, I discovered three key things.
• To discover our power as women, we must get out of our heads and into our bodies
• To feel our radiance and vitality, we must reclaim the experiences of our bodies
• To know how to live and thrive, we must reconnect with nature
However, the catch is, for each of us, the ‘how’ is a little different.
We rely too much on experts telling us what to do and how to live, yet the true expert sits within us.
My role on this retreat is as a facilitator, mentor and conduit…one who guides you home to your own truth. I’ll provide the space, environment and tools and you make from them what you please. The benefits will be individual and will arise from you being prepared to arrive open and willing to tap into your innate potential. The retreat is titrated, so that we build on what we’ve done the previous day, and most importantly, for those of you who are stressed, burnt out and exhausted, we begin slowly, first allowing the nervous system to unwind and for you to land softly, safely and securely in a new environment. As women we need time for rest, reflection, movement, play and connection and the retreat will provide all and more. Like the four phases of the moon, we will explore and make time for our own phases.
If this appeals, I’d love to have you join me on what will be the inaugural Goddess Infusion Retreat.
Feel free to send me your questions, nothing is too big or small to ask. To learn more about me and my history, visit my About page.
With love,
For all of the above inclusions:
(5 early bird places available at $2999)
* Flights and transfers not included in the price
Optional Add-Ons available on request, including massage and healing sessions. These can be organised during the pre-retreat call with Sharon.
Payment Terms and Conditions:
• All reservations require a 50% non-refundable deposit to secure the booking
• A $250 deposit is required through a credit card hold in the event of any loss or damages to the room
• The remainder of the retreat must be paid four weeks prior to your arrival and it is non-refundable
• We accept payment by credit card or direct deposit.
• Request for installment payments will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.