About Sharon I create opportunities for you
to embrace, nurture and own your
feminine essence and energy

Meet Sharon

Passionate about celebrating all that comes with being a woman and redefining the way we live in our womanly bodies, I’m dedicated to changing the narratives of what it means to be a well and vital modern day woman.

As a Women’s Wisdom Weaver, Feminine Embodiment Mentor and Writer, I am focused on creating opportunities for women to reconnect with:
• the wild, wise woman within
• our innate feminine nature and power
• the sacred feminine that exists within and around us.

The essence of what I do is help women to remember. And to love.

To love the body we’ve been gifted with.

To love our cycles.

To love our passage as a woman and as conduit of the sacred feminine.

As women we are endowed with a cyclical life. This means we ebb and flow with the seasons of life, not unlike the ocean, moon and other creatures of nature. Yet we’ve been brought up to believe our shifting tides aren’t ‘normal’ leading to many of our modern-day anxiety, ‘stress’ and fatigue based dis-eases.

When we reclaim the rhythms of the earth, we reclaim our feminine. When we open up to her seasons, cycles, beauty and inherent wisdom, we open up to ourselves and our healing.

The caveat here is that women often find it difficult to connect with their bodies and instinctual nature until they unwind the ‘stress’ first. This was my journey and so this is what I teach. For those of you who look at fully embodied women and can’t relate, I get you. For some it comes more naturally than others and my speciality is explaining why this is the case and how to work through the barriers and challenges to embodiment.

Following a career spanning 15 years in corporate marketing and communications for PwC, IBM and my own consulting business, my life took a dramatic change in direction after spending five years with debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), which morphed into life threatening cachexia, leaving me at 37 kg. Moving to the hinterland of Byron Bay for six years, I healed through realigning with nature, my own innate feminine rhythms and learning to embrace the woman within.

Once healed, my desire and commitment has been to act as a kind of women’s weaver, sharing my journey through my own life and work and reconnecting other women back to this power and the source of our vitality, health, radiance and fullest expression of self.

Ultimately my vision is for every woman to experience themselves with the same awe as we experience a luminous full moon, a summer sunset, a tropical storm or a field of spring flowers.

Sharon Sztar

My focus is to gift you as a woman with the space to reconnect with your inner feminine essence and find your own healing path home to self. In doing so, I bring together knowledge and experience gained through my 15-year corporate professional career; studies in business, nutritional medicine, holistic therapies, restorative yoga and embodiment practices; and perhaps most importantly life wisdom through my years in the wilderness of a chronic illness.

To know our power as a woman, we must reconnect with nature. To discover our deep well of wisdom, we must get out of our heads and into our bodies. To feel our radiance and vitality, we must own the experiences of our bodies.

Reclaim your radiance, vitality and power

Wellbeing: I provide insight and resources that feed wellbeing

Womanhood: I assist you in embracing the unique experiences of living in a woman’s body

Wisdom: I share with you practices to reawaken your innate bodily wisdom

Connection: I create avenues for you to connect with yourself and other women in a deep and authentic manner and to experience a greater sense of belonging

Sacred Feminine: I provide opportunities for you to reconnect with, cultivate and celebrate your feminine energy

Inspiration: I support you on your path through sharing my own story

Our true feminine power and authority comes through being with ourselves, not doing things to fix ourselves

What makes a well woman?

This is the question on every woman’s mind and the focus of a trillion dollar wellness industry.

Women are obsessed with being well, becoming well and staying well. And there is a lot of money equally thrown at it.

Over the past decade my whole outlook and understanding of wellness has taken a 360 degree turn. After healing from a chronic illness, I’ve learnt that being well is not an appointment you go to or a diet you go on. Nor is it a pill or supplement you pop.

Rather it’s getting to know you. Every tiny bit of you.

The parts you’ve dismissed.

The parts you’ve repressed.

The parts you’re scared of.

Your womb.

Your sexuality.

Your fertility and fecundity.

Your puberty.

Your monthly bleed.

Your menopause.

Your powerful and exquisite female form.

Your smells.

Your tastes.

Your textures.

Your sounds.

Your fears.

Your desires.

Your loves.

Your spirit.

Getting to know you means getting healthy.

It’s not a thing you do.

It’s the thing you are.

I invite you to join me for this ride.

My mission is to create the opportunities for you to better connect with the woman within. With your power. Your innate spirit. Your magic. Your mystery. Your cycles. Your seasons. Your essence.

And in doing so, you discover, that you have been well all along.

Start your experience of my work here

If you are new to my site, there are a few ways you can get to know me and my work better…

• Remember, Reconnect and Reclaim your feminine power — check out my event page

• Need rest and replenishment — sign up for a Deep Rest Immersion

• Wish to develop a greater intimacy with your body — register for a NLMM embodiment class

• Love a mentor to help steer you through the sometimes messy, sometimes mundane and always mysterious thing called womanhood — book in for a Mentoring session

Or, just a little curious — read from my Journal or Media pages

  • As is often the case in moments of crisis, Sharon was raw, honest and vulnerable, but at any stage of her journey she was the one who healed herself; not the doctors, practitioners or myself who treated her; it was her incredible spirit, her life affirming attitude even on the brink of such a dangerous illness. She never gave up, never lost her honesty, never lost her drive to change, to risk everything for the sake of finding her inner truth and healing.